Redesign / Rebranding
Intruducing Alpha Pro Scooters
I’m excited to finally introduce Alpha Pro Scooters! At first glance, this may look like a simple website addition, but this is actually the biggest launch we’ve ever done.
When I launched Xtreme Customs over 3 years ago, I had very little idea where it would go or how long it would last. I didn’t start with a business plan or even much of a strategy about sustaining it or growing it. It was merely a passion project that I started on the side.
Fun, bold, and high quality was the promise. Scooters were the medium.
Over the years I’ve refined my taste, improved my eye, matured as a supplier, and grown as an entrepreneur and business owner. The idea is so closely tied to me as a person, and it’s been neat to see it grow with me. A brand is a living thing that’s constantly evolving and changing over time. While Xtreme Customs core mission and values haven’t changed, we are constantly pruning to sustain healthy growth.
The latest things to be pruned? Read on.
The New Logo
A logo carries weight and equity. We all associate our favorite logos with certain feelings and values. Making a change can be hard, and it should not be done hastily.
The original Xtreme Customs logo has held up well over the past 3 years, but as we have evolved from a tiny 8’ x 14’ office space to a much bigger action sports brand, the logo has started to feel out of place.
So, over the months, I’ve been playing and experimenting with an update. Our new logo reflects Alpha Pro Scooter’s high-quality and professional aesthetic, motivating factors and still reflects the extreme freedom and personality that separates us. It’s simple, expressive, and simply Alpha—just like everything we make.
Read about the design process of how I landed on the final new logo.
The New Website
Along with the logo, we’re launching a full website. Alphaproscooters.com is a massive step forward to deliver an even better experience. We built and designed the entire site from the ground up.
Our goal was to make your experience on our site reflect the premium products we offer.
We excluded all unnecessary elements and added lots of new functionality to make it even easier to shop and engage with our content. I’ll be sharing more of the technical details about how we pulled off this redesign in the coming weeks.